WS6 Oko 14
Oko Ake Topa
Monday, May 25 to Sunday, May 31, 2009: high 89, low 30
Brother Kent and friend Tom came from Southern California and spent nearly two weeks working on first three of six cabins that will fit up under the roof that links the house to the bathhouse. They arrived on the 21st and will leave tomorrow, June 1st. They framed in the west cabin, which required quite a bit of ingenuity and some concrete work.
Then they glued in three layers of 2-inch rigid insulation between all the joists.
Next they nailed on 3/4-inch tongue and groove plywood for the subfloor, letting it run wild and then cutting it to the curve on the inside, and parallel to the fascia on the outside.
Though the cabins are small, they each will have a 3×4 foot window facing west-southwest overlooking the springs.
They got the rafters nailed up, and just about three sides of the cabins sheathed. Now i need to find the time to get the roof on before it rains too much.
Kent in the air–again. Its amazing to watch two expert carpenters at the top of their skills work. Kent and Tom did more in 12 days then I could accomplish in that many weeks. Sure going to miss them.