WS6 Oko 15
Oko Ake Zaptan
Monday, Jun 1 to Sunday, Jun 7, 2009: high , low
This week Wingsprings hosted the first of four 5-day summer workshops organized by the Center for American Indian Research and Native Studies [CAIRNS] and sponsored in part by the South Dakota Humanities Council. This one was titled the Ceremonial Approach to Teaching Lakota Culture. The wicohan sakowin, or seven sacred ceremonies, are what differentiates Lakotas from all other peoples. This workshop investigated the origins, practices, and spatial organizations of these ceremonies, and examined their underlying connections to the spiritual realm and the natural world. Participants were Pete, Peggy, Tom, Morandi, and Becky. What a great group.
They worked hard on assignments and critically read and discussed the course packet.
Charlie presented on Wednesday evening. He is always extremely popular.
Peri assisted participants in developing their lesson plans. Here she is down in the wicoti with Becky and Tom.