WS7 Oko 32

Oko Wikcemna Yamni ake Nunpa

Monday, Sep 27 to Sunday, Oct 3, 2010: high 75, low 35

For the past three and a half weeks, Tom [left, above and below] has worked steadily on everything required to get the concrete poured for all of the projects: cabin veranda floor, patio, porch, library, and garage. Later this morning, he headed back to his home and family in southern California. Kent [right, above and below] arrived last Sunday and will stay until the last of these projects–the patio–is poured and a few other tasks are completed. He and Tom work together in the San Diego area. We are blessed that they have been here to see that these projects are done in a good way. In the photo below you can see a portion of the garage in the foreground, and nearly all of the library behind those two characters. Even though its a chilly morning, they are wearing shorts since that is their typical work uniform in SoCal. They are top-notch carpenters, and wonderful human beings.

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