WS10 Oko 40
Oko Wikcemna Topa
Monday, Nov 25 to Sunday, Dec 1, 2013: high 55, low 14
Beautiful sunset sky on the last day of November. The temperature reached into the low 50s for the second day in a row, and the forecast is similar for Sunday and Monday. Unseasonably pleasant. Terms for November in Lakota include Takiyuha Wi (the rutting moon) and Waniyetu Wi (the winter moon). Terms for December include Tahecapsun Wi (the moon when deer shed their antlers) and Wanicokan Wi (the mid-winter moon). Lakota “moons” or “months” are measured from full moon to full moon, or approximately 28 days. There are slightly more than 13 full moons in a calendar year. Therefore, Lakota moons do not have a one-to-one correspondence with the 12 months of the Gregorian calendar.