WS13 Oko 3
Oko Yamni
Monday, Mar 7 to Sunday, Mar 13, 2016: high 76, low 18
Sure feels like spring arrived this week, especially this afternoon with the temperature in the low 70s, nearly a clear sky and lots of wind. Tuesday was the first day we heard Meadowlarks this year, and their return is always nice because of their beautiful song. The tree above right is already budding, but its the only species doing so as of this afternoon. The next two pics below illustrate the varying condition of deer at this time of the year. The image immediately below is from this morning and shows a young doe shedding her winter coat and looking pretty tough. The image below it is from yesterday and it too is of a young doe. But clearly her coat is in far better condition than the one in this morning’s picture.
This afternoon i also saw a snapping turtle on its lumbering way from the Turtle Pond up to the next pond. If you look close you can see her/him as a dark blob in the center middle ground of the pic below. She/he is on her/his way to the pond in the foreground.
Here is a close up of her/him. And the picture below it is of her/him after reaching the pond in the foreground above. She/he is in the water in the center of the picture.