WS17 Oko 39
Oko Wikcemna Yamni ake Napcinyunka
Monday, Nov 16 to Sunday, Nov 22, 2020: high 72, low 20, gust 56 mph, moisture 0.00"
Thursday morning the Rosane Concrete crew—Travis, Harlan, Ryan, and Kenny (R-L)—poured and finished the entry area of the new gallery, and an apron in front of the east garage door. The rebar of the apron can be seen on the right side of the photo above. The apron is about a foot lower than the gallery floor. Kenny and Harlan are screeding the freshly poured concrete. Ryan is standing in “mud” that will be screeded, and Travis is standing in the area that has yet to be poured. On Friday they poured and finished an 18” vertical extension of the curved wall that Harlan has his hand on, plus three concrete “skirts.” These are narrow strips of concrete along the walls and under the roof overhangs. One is from the corner of the wall just over Travis’s right shoulder to the existing concrete slab in front of the library’s French doors; another is from the other side of that slab to the curve of the bathroom just beyond the weeping pussy willow tree; and the third is between the bedroom wall opposite the bathroom and the deck at the far left of the picture. These projects are the final concrete pours for this year.