WS17 Oko 50
Oko Wikcemna Zaptan
Monday, Feb 1 to Sunday, Feb 7, 2021: high 64, low -7 gust 37 mph, moisture 0.00"
Myaing and Chris (R-L) were overnight guests on Monday night. The photo above was taken just before they departed Tuesday mid-morning. The temperature that day reached 61 degrees and on Wednesday the high was 64. But the weather changed rapidly Wednesday afternoon; the temperature dropped and the wind rose so that before midnight the “feels like” temperature was only 9 degrees. By Friday, the daytime temp barely reached 7 degrees above zero. The picture above was taken from inside the space that will be the new gallery. The looped shadows on the concrete walls behind Myaing and Chris are cast by the steel ties that prevented the wooden forms on either side of the wall from spreading apart when the concrete was poured. The looped ends of the ties will be twisted off before the finished surfaces of the walls are applied.