WS18 Oko 22
Oko Wikcemna Nunpa ake Nunpa
Monday, Jul 19 to Sunday, Jul 25, 2021: high 99, low 62, gust 46 mph, moisture 0.56"
Today, Sunday, late afternoon. A heavy rain shower is on its way to Wingsprings. The NOAA had a bulletin out saying this could be severe and include nickle-size hail, but in the end the advisory was pulled and there was no hail. In the left-center of the photo, if you look closely, you can see smoke from a fire that was started by a lightning strike. Fortunately, within minutes the rain caught up to the fire and extinguished it. Later in the evening, Adrienne and Rylie found where the fire had been—north and west of Uncle Vic’s camp. The rain this afternoon totalled .55 of an inch. Every little bit helps.