WS18 Oko 23
Oko Wikcemna Nunpa ake Yamni
Monday, Jul 26 to Sunday, Aug 1, 2021: high 102, low 54, gust 46 mph, moisture 0.00"
Tuesday morning Dan and i finally installed “wings” or “A-frames” on the sides of the autogate. These prevent cattle from walking between the ends of the autogate and in this case, the wall to the south and the post to the north. Initially the idea was to place the autogate in the middle of the existing gate opening so the wire gate could be stretched across the autogate and closed if needed. I wasn't in a hurry to design wings because there were no cattle in the pasture so the gate could be left open. But on Saturday, Merle turned in heifers and the gate had to be shut! This morning we built these temporary wings out of lodge poles. Dan is rolling up the old wire gate which can't be used with the wings and wont be used when the final wing design is welded and installed. This picture was taken at 9:17. We worked fast because the high temp was 102 degrees!