WS21 Oko 5
Oko Zaptan
Monday, Mar 25, to Sunday, Mar 31, 2024: high 66, low -2, gust 32 mph, moisture 0.57"
This week started work on remodeling the library. First was to add the three columns (from left to middle of the picture) and then to build the two curved walls. The far one, in the library’s east bay, will extend the entry sequence, provide display space during that sequence, plus create a secluded reading room behind it that is accessible between the two columns in the center of the picture. The closer curved wall is shorter in height and spans the width of the library’s center bay. Behind it will be file cabinets, the Wingsprings herbarium case, the printer and some storage for supplies. There is room between these items and the bookcase to provide access to the books as well as passage between the library’s west bay and the reading room.